Important Notification: Temporary Suspension of Operations for Team Building

Sep 18, 2023
HOME Farm On Important Notification: Temporary Suspension of Operations for Team Building

Dear Esteemed Customers,


We trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. At KAI Farm, we hold a steadfast commitment to delivering the pinnacle of coffee products and deeply value your unwavering patronage.


In pursuit of our relentless pursuit of excellence, we are pleased to announce a forthcoming team-building endeavor for our dedicated staff, scheduled from September 22nd to September 25th, 2023. During this timeframe, we will be temporarily suspending all our production, business, and operational activities, including the operations of our manufacturing facilities and administrative offices.


This strategic pause in our operations has been meticulously orchestrated to rejuvenate and prepare our team for the imminent coffee harvest season, thus ensuring our continued ability to furnish you with the unparalleled coffee experiences you have come to cherish.


Kindly take note that normal operations at KAI Farm will promptly resume on September 26th, 2023. We extend our deepest apologies for any potential inconvenience this temporary interruption may pose and genuinely appreciate your comprehension as we invest in the well-being and productivity of our dedicated team.


Please be assured that our unwavering commitment to delivering the finest coffee beans and products remains steadfast, and this brief hiatus will empower us to serve you even more effectively in the future.


We express our profound gratitude for your continued support and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to serve you with superior coffee products following the culmination of our team-building event.


With warm regards,


KAIFarm Team®

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